Season 47 Episode 2 Recap - Epic Boss Girl Move

Welcome back to another season of SURVIVOR!!!! is ready for your boot submissions. As will be the case through the entire pre-merge, you can submit up to four names for who you think will go home next. Additionally, if you want to use your Shot in the Dark, you just shoot me an email and tell me who you want to play it for, and if they go home, you will have the ability to select another player. 

Everything is due on Wednesday by 3pm PST. 

Last week on Jerbybor

Rome treats the water well like his own personal cold plunge. 

The other tribe exists.
Onto Gata: Andy has a menty b, and is convinced that he's on the bottom, he proceeds to say out loud that he wants to throw Jon under the bus, and does. Rachel, Anika, Sierra, and Sam stick with Andy and the tribe sends home what Jeff calls "one of the greatest story tellers (they) will ever have on the show." The Survivor Political crossover that we needed during election season got one "glorious" episode. 

EPISODE 2 Recap - Epic Boss Girl Move

We open on Lavo to Rome saying that he told Teeny about his advantage because he trusts her "One million percent." Small misread there as Teeny immediately turns around and tells Kishan. Oops.  And then we get the ultimate, mom-walking-in-on-two-teens-smoking-a-joint-in-the-garage moment. As Teeny is showing Kishan the idol box, and Rome walks up on them. But Rome is not a regular mom, he's a cool mom, and he essentially asks them to pass the joint. Teeny tries to smooth it over, apologizing for not warning Rome that she wanted to tell Kishan. Rome's left just taking the idol for one tribal council, ensuring that whenever he goes to his first tribal, he's safe. And Rome says he's now skeptical of Teeny, but it doesn't seem like he's ready to vote her out, which he probably should considering she just shared a piece of critical info not 12 hours after it was shared with her. 

On Gata beach, Andy opens a coconut and we see the reaction of his tribe below. 

Sam is left to babysit, but when he goes to pee Andy runs off and finds the one thing Gata wanted to prevent him from finding - the beware advantage. His quick thinking had him put it back, to marinate on what exactly to do with it. Not a bad idea if you think your tribe isn't really looking. But of course, his tribe is looking and later that day Sam, Andy's prospective number 1 finds it, and shares that he found it with EVERYONE except Andy. 

We get an amazing clip of Sam's musical theater acting chops, Andy tells Sam that he thinks the girls found it. It's as if Andy is a teenager who's weed stash is gone, and he tells his dad that his sister stole his weed... but dad smoked it all, with his daughters. This does make me wonder if someone will tell Andy and use that knowledge to bring Andy in. We do get a warning that Sam may even use the idol to protect Andy at the next vote. Especially strange considering he JUST lied to Andy about having it. 

Tuku beach opens with TK, Gabe, Kyle, and Tiyanna chatting in the water about getting rid of Sue. TK feels comfy. Gabe tries to shore up his relationship with a very hesitant Caroline in a super confusing conversation where Caroline openly admits to Gabe she's still sus of him. So Gabe shows her his idol. Stunning move. It's like coming home and your mom is suspects that you smoked weed, and you show her your pipe. (Rule of three.) Sue then follows up with Caroline and it seems that her suspicion might just turn to trust. Slow trust building between those three might just be the ticket to long term strength as an alliance. Trust easily gained is easily lost, but when it's tough to gain, maybe it's tough to lose. Having Gabe as the social player, Sue as the "non threat," and Caroline as the strategist - strong. 

Who cares about the challenge? Gata wins, Lavo gets second, Tuku is going to tribal. Literally nobody cares. What do we care about?


Jeff calls her out for it, and makes her empty her pockets. And she does but as she explained on twitter: 

Best moment of the season so far and one of the best moments of the new era. 


Okay back to the game. Gata and Lavo take off and Tuku is left on the beach to lick their wounds. TK does not mince words and does about a minute long monologue as to why he hates losing, and hates people who don't hate losing. He never looks around to see how his tribe mates are taking it, and if he did he'd see daggers out and aimed directly at him. 

This continues back at the beach, TK puts Sue on the chopping block for being a non contributor. Kyle is down. BUT TK's outburst rubbed Tiyanna the wrong way. Gabe stepped in to capitalize and solidify his alliance's position. 

Gabe is the player of the week because he correctly identified Tiyanna's willingness to vote on emtion and he pushed to capitalize on it by convincing her to vote with him, Sue and Caroline. He and Tiyanna made TK feel comfortable enough to be on the offensive toward Sue coming into tribal asking, "has anybody even talked to Sue?" (Spoiler, they had.) This ALSO means that Gabe successfully hid his relationship with Sue and Caroline. Meanwhile Tiyanna must not see herself on the bottom of the Gaby's Ladies alliance. Sue played an incredible patsy at tribal, seeming like she's tilting at windmills, when ultimately she was safe. 

HIgh level game play to blindside TK like that and the tribe decided against the man who can bench 300 and in favor of the "non-threat" Sue. 

League updates: 

Big Congrats to David Diaz, Zallie Wright, and Rachel Batten for accurately predicting TK's exit. Toughest boot to pick in some ways, and y'all clocked it. 

Huge bummer to the 8 of you who lost TK from your tribe this week, but don't fret! Unlike most Survivor leagues, this thing is FAR from over. 

Deleted Scene:
Kyle Eats Meat

Let's see what's happening next week: 
I Take it Personally - Sneak Peak
It's Bamboo not the Ritz Carlton - Sneak Peak


Fantasy Survivor Episode 5 Recap! SPOILERS