SPOILERS - Fantasy Survivor Episode 3 Recap! Deleted scenes!!


After the premier suffering from a female-douche-bag shit-head quitter (can you tell I hated her), and the second episode being all about a blob with a mop top trying to play survivor and failing miserably, we were DUE for an amazing episode. AND WE GOT ONE. 

Episode Highlights and SPOILERS BELOW:

Drew and Austin go looking for Austin's idol, and this crackpot team of "smartest person ever to play" and sweet manboy decide to look near the tree with the X, but somehow they don't search DIRECTLY under it. Austin plays look out while Drew uses a STICK instead of his hands to dig a massive, unhideable hole. Dee and Julie casually stroll up and catch Drew with his hand in the cookie jar and this MASTERMIND decides to blame Sifu, the tai chi master. This set off Dee's spidey senses, which are located in her big toe. 

Eventually, Austin comes clean, enlisting Dee and Julie's help to find his advantage. Austin and Drew play babysitter with J and Sifu, seemingly creating a perfect opportunity for Dee and Julie to steal Austin's advantage. Dee and Julie wipe a centimeter of dirt away from directly under the X and find a rope, confirming that "man looking" continues even in a game for a million dollars. 

Instead of keeping the idol for themselves - they give Austin Thor's hammer and he finds the idol; with a jump-hug celebration that would make Turk and JD jealous. 

Lulu losers finally got a win, and sent smiley happy ass Kaleb over to the Reba Tribe to steal their fishing gear. They saw right through his salesman shtick and Kaleb is definitely in hot water over there. He may think that he created good vibes by giving Drew an advantage that protects a lost vote, but Drew's Honest Abe ass can't keep a secret and immeej shared the advantage with Austin, Dee and Julie. 

De-Lulu then came back down to Earth and despite being the first to the puzzle, they didn't have enough neurons to rub together to solve the cube puzzle. Makes you wonder if Lulu was put together to be a loveable losers tribe.

Lulu heads back to tribal with some complicated dynamics. Sabiyah and Sean want to take out Kaleb because, even though it's day 8, they're convinced Kaleb will win the game, and there's no time like the present. Emily wants Sabiyah because she clearly lied to her about not having a vote (which hidden scene reveals Kaleb and Emily later talked about - important to see Kaleb continuing development of his Emily relationship).

Sean decides...wait nobody gives a shit about Sean. Emily stops Kaleb and warns him of Sabiyah's master plan, but will Kaleb trust Emily's bluntness? 

SABIYAH MELTING HER IDOL AT TRIBAL WAS ICONIC, but could have been the reason she went home. If she doesn't do that, maybe Kaleb isn't so sketched by her and Kaleb goes home? Instead, not only does she melt the idol, but then decides that Kaleb and Emily's trust in her is so solid, that she can not vote, stay safe, and have an idol to the merge. Sabiyah even asks Kaleb "We good?" as if he's going to say "Nah Sabiyah, I voted for your bitch ass." Jeff reads the vote and the smile on Kalebs face mirrored that of a boy seeing bewbs for the first time in real life.  

The preview for next week gives us something die hard fans have been asking for since 41 - a tribe swap! Sifu, J. Maya, Bruce, Katurah, and Sean seem to be the prime beneficiaries as they were all potentially on the bottom of their respective tribes. Only one thing is for sure with a swap: uncertainty. And uncertainty is terrifying for the Survivors, but fun as hell to watch. 

Remember: From here on out, you can pick 1, 2, 3, or 4 people you believe will go home. And ALSO you can swap an active member off your tribe. As always, submit your votes on

Deleted Scenes: 
Belo Tree Mail Meditation.:

Pay attention to Bruce in the meditation scene. He's the human equivalent of a parking ticket, obnoxious and a pain in the ass. 


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